Joy and Jubilation as Augustine University Celebrates Feast of Christ The King of The Universe

The atmosphere at Augustine University brimmed with excitement on November 26th, 2023, as students and faculty, irrespective of their religious affiliations, joined in the celebration of the Feast of Christ the King of the Universe.
This annual celebration, established by the Church, serves the singular purpose of reaffirming Christ’s eternal sovereignty.
The day kicked off with a High Mass held at 8 am in the University’s convocation hall, presided over by the institution’s Chaplain, Reverend Father Emmanuel Ogundele.
Later in the afternoon, around 4 pm, students and staff congregated once again at the Convocation hall to initiate a procession that wound its way around the school premises. The procession was a spiritual journey marked by hymns, prayers, and praise, with the Priest carrying the Monstrance housing the Consecrated Host, symbolising the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Notably, the Augustine University Choir led a magnificent session of praise and worship, adding to the fervour of the event.
The day’s festivities culminated in a Benediction held at the University’s convocation hall, marking the conclusion of a day filled with spiritual fervency and devotion.
The Feast of Christ the King brought together the Augustine University community, fostering unity, spirituality, and a shared celebration of faith.